Paul Harrington

Full Stack Web Developer

Perfect Match Nanny Agency

E-commerce site built for a local business. Greenfield project showcasing frontend fundamentals such as prominent CTAs and custom form validation.

Matter of Heart responsive device screenshots
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Countries App

Robust React application utilising functional components, hooks and Context API, and centred around data from the REST Countries API.

StrikeForce responsive device screenshots


Data-centric Python+Flask app with full CRUD functionality, enabling users to post, view, edit and delete reviews of barbers.

Clipadvisor responsive device screenshots
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Interactive portal leveraging data from the TransferMarket API to create dynamic visualisations of English Premier League goal-scoring trends.

StrikeForce responsive device screenshots

Matter of Heart Psychotherapy

Bespoke static site for a local therapy practice, developed using Bootstrap 4 components and plugins as well as custom HTML and CSS.

Matter of Heart responsive device screenshots
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